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  IAI Dagger
  by Alpha Simulations

  (Reviewed March 2001)

Alpha Simulations will soon be releasing their newest theme package, Harrier Jump Jet.  To anyone who's familiar with military aviation that obviously refers to the Harrier V-STOL fighter-bomber.  What, you may ask, is a website dedicated to Mirage aircraft doing talking about the Harrier.  Well, back in 1982 there was a war down in the south Atlantic between the United Kingdom and Argentina over ownership of a group of islands know as the Falkland/Malvinas.  Remember that?  Alpha Simulations has chosen to integrate this conflict, along with most of the aircraft involved on both sides, as a part of their Jump Jet package.  To our benefit, that includes the Israel Aircraft Industries Dagger (their export name for the Nesher -- a Mirage V knockoff) as operated by the VI Brigada Aérea of the Fuerza Aérea Argentina.
I was invited by Phil Perrott of Alpha Simulations to preview their "Dagger" before the package went to press.  Most of my comments were of details that I had already pointed out to them in pre-release viewings of their earlier Mirage IIIB-RV and Kfir C2 (both had used this Dagger as a starting point).  I'm happy to report that the vast majority of my suggestions were incorporated.  The aircraft even received a new paint job.  What was once more or less a Dassault Mirage IIIEA (see the image from last November 30 on the What's New? page) is now a pretty accurate looking Dagger.  

  The aircraft is equipped with a pair of wing tanks and empty centerline pylon.  Using Bill Potvin's MDLPATCHW utility, Alpha Simulations has produced additional weapons *.bgl files to give you virtually any weapons load in Combat Flight Simulator 2 (CFS2) you like.  To the left, this Dagger is firing a Matra Magic air-to-air missile.  The aircraft is also carrying a Matra 530 air-to-air missile on the centerline pylon. (Not exactly accurate since this aircraft doesn't have the right radar system).  The aircraft in the image below is dropping a load of conventional bombs.

Alpha's Dagger uses the instrument panel found in their Mirage IIIB-RV.  This is not a true Mirage V / Nesher panel, but it is the best choice from among their previously released panels (Mirage III and Kfir) for this aircraft.  FS2000 users have the added benefit of night-lighting and GPS.  The package also includes new sound files for the aircraft.  CFS/CFS2 users get 20 Falklands War missions where you can fly as the Argentine forces or as RN/RAF.  The missions are based on real events and are arranged chronologically.    

  I don't have CFS2 yet (but these images have convinced me that I need to get it -- and a copy of Harrier Jump Jet) so Phil Perrott provided the "action" shots seen on this page.  This image of a flight of Daggers outbound shows the new exhaust effect of CFS2 very well.  All necessary files for use with FS2000 and CFS/CFS2 (damage profile files and a special exhaust smoke effects file for the latter) are included.  Due to the design and textures used, none of the aircraft in the package are intended to work with FS98.

Copyright © 1999-2025 by Frank Safranek.  All Rights Reserved.
Header photo © Esteban Flanders.  CFS2 "action" shots © Phil Perrott / Alpha Simulations.
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