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  Scenery -
  Must Have Files

Many scenery add-ons designed using Airport & Scenery Designer (ASD), Visual Objects Designer (VOD), or the Airport scenery design program, require that you use the textures found in these packages to display scenery components properly. I'll also add to the list any 3rd party add-ons that I find add a lot to the realism of the flightsim experience.

[ French Air Bases | Carriers | France | European Air Bases | Other Air Bases | AI Traffic ]

The fine print at the bottom of the page.
Download and use these files at your own risk.  Neither the owner of this website, nor the authors of the individual files, make any warranty, implied or otherwise, as to the quality, suitability or safety of any software included on this page, and will not assume any responsibility for loss, injury, or damage resulting from their use.  For what it's worth, they all work fine on my system. - Frank Safranek

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