Old New - 2011
En Fran�ais

30 December 2011 - I have discovered another set of textures
for the Mark Harper/Skysim Mirage III/5 package.
The texture set by Zsolt Beleznay represents a
Mirage 5D of the Libyan Air Force.
23 December 2011 - May you and your loved ones enjoy the true meaning of Christmas
and have a prosperous New Year. Let's all give thanks for what we have.
Season's Greetings *
Les Salutations De la Saison *
Saluti Della Stagione
Gr��e Der Jahreszeit *
Saludos De la Estaci�n *
Cumprimentos Da Esta��o
21 December 2011 - Despite his original
Rafale C/M release being taken off the market due to a product naming
dispute with Dassault Aviation, Roland Laborie has been working on the
follow-on Rafale B. I have added some images to the original
preview page.
19 December 2011 - GSNext have released a new scenery package for FSX. The
subject is BA 101 Toulouse-Francazal (LFBF).
The scenery includes a photorealistic base and aircraft of Arm�e de l'Air, Arm�e de Terre and
Gendarmerie Nationale.
17 December 2011 - I have painted another set of textures for the
Rafale M by Thor's Hammer. The textures
represent an aircraft from the second A�ronavale Fran�aise unit to convert
to the Rafale, Flotille de Chasse 11F.
15 December 2011 - A new Rafale C is being developed for FS9.
The aircraft will feature four external configurations, four texture sets,
and a complete and very clickable virtual cockpit and 2D instrument panel.
Visit this preview page for more information and images.
10 December 2011 - A new company, GSNext, has started making scenery for
FSX. The first project is BA Toul-Rosi�res (LFSL).
The scenery includes custom buildings, custom Dassault aircraft (Jaguar A, E,
Mirage IIIR), F100s, and the entire base is textured in photorealistic quality.
7 December 2011 - SkyDesigners have released a new scenery package for FSX.
The subject is BA 107 V�lizy � Villacoublay (LFPV).
The scenery includes a photorealistic base with accurate AFCD and airfield
buildings modeled from real world photos.
5 December 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted another texture set for the
Mirage F1 of Kirk Olsson. The texture set
represents a Mirage F1M in the colors of the
Ej�rcito d'Aire Ala 14 in the 30 Year Anniversary scheme.
1 December 2011 - I put up the annual Holiday Season's Greeting on
the Home page. I found a nice winter
image of a Mirage IIIS in Switzerland.
28 November 2011 - Martial Feron has painted another set of textures
for the Rafale M by Thor's Hammer. The
fictitional scheme is a possible two-tone green camouflage pattern with
For�a A�rea Brasileira markings.
26 November 2011 - Martial Feron has released updates for his two
earlier Rafale M repaints (Brasil and
Gray Camo). The updates are a result
of the v2.2 update by Bruno "Thor's Hammer" M�relle.
24 November 2011 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Ron Zambrano of Razbam
wrote to let me know that his company is building the Mirage F1 family and most
likely the Kfir family for FSX. So far I have only seen the image below.
I will share more as it becomes available. If you are familiar with Razbam's
previous series releases (A-4 and A-7) you know that we are in for some real gems.
22 November 2011 - I have painted another set of textures for the
Rafale M of Bruno M�relle. The textures
represent a possible green and gray camouflage scheme as might be worn by
the For�a A�rea Brasileira.
Also, Bruno "Thor's Hammer" M�relle has released a repaint kit for his Rafale M.
He has made individual wireframe images in JPG format of the textures that are
modified during a change of livery. You can download if from
his blog
or I have zipped them up.
18 November 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted another texture set for the
Mirage F1 of Kirk Olsson. This "Logarto"
camouflage scheme is of a Mirage F1BE of the Ej�rcito d'Aire at Los Palmas-Gando AB.
14 November 2011 - SkyDesigners have released a new scenery package for
FSX. The subject is BA 115 Orange Caritat (LFMO).
The scenery includes a photorealistic base with aircraft (Mirage 2000C/Mirage 2000B)
and airfield buildings modeled from real world photos.
12 November 2011 - MAIW have released a "patch" for their
Belgian Alpha Jets package. Of interest
to Mirage fans are changes to Cazaux AB (LFBC)
including a new control tower and a fix for the floodlights. The update
is available from their website
as either a complete package or a manual update.
10 November 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted another texture set for the
Mirage F1 of Kirk Olsson. This blue-gray air
superiority scheme is of a Mirage F1CE of the Ej�rcito d'Aire at Los Palmas-Gando AB.
5 November 2011 - Richard Wyman has painted a set of textures for
the payware Mirage 2000C from Abacus. The
textures represent an Arm�e de l'Air aircraft from EC 1/5 'Vendee' as it
appeared in the movie "Les Chevaliers Du Ciel" (Skyfighters).
1 November 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted three sets of textures for the
Mirage F1B of Kirk Olsson in Ej�rcito d'Aire
colors. The first is finished in the "Logarto" camouflage scheme worn by the
Mirage F1BE when delivered. The second is the blue-gray air superiority scheme
worn by Ala 46 at Los Palmas-Gando AB. The third is in the current overall
gray scheme worn by the Mirage F1 in Ej�rcito d'Aire service.
30 October 2011 - Bruno "Thor's Hammer" M�relle has released an update for
his Rafale M. The external model/texture update
including changes to the texture mapping to help repainters -- this may adversely
effect already released repaints. This is an update only and so you will
need to download the Rafale M as well.
28 October 2011 - I have painted a set of textures for the
Rafale M of Thor's Hammer. The textures
represent the special tail markings applied to a Rafale of Flotille 12.F
to commemorate the first Rafale M to reach 1000 hours in 2005.
26 October 2011 - S�bastien Viale has painted two new texture sets for the
Rafale M by Thor's Hammer. Both are desert schemes,
the first named "Sand" and the second is named "Tansplinter".
24 October 2011 - Martial Feron has painted another set of textures for the
Rafale M by Thor's Hammer. The fictitional scheme
is a wrap-around gray camo pattern with Aeronavalle markings markings.
22 October 2011 - Brice Garros has painted another set of texture for the
Rafale M by Thor's Hammer. This one is a
blue and gray wrap-around camouflage scheme with Aeronavalle markings.
20 October 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted another set of textures for
the Mirage F1 of Kirk Olsson. This set represents
an F1CE in the original delivery "Logarto" camouflage scheme.
18 October 2011 - Brice Garros has painted a new texture for the
Rafale M by Thor's Hammer. He has named the
overall black scheme "Black Eagle".
16 October 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted a set of textures for the
Mirage F1 of Kirk Olsson. They represent
an ex-Qatar Emiri Air Force Mirage F1EDA of the Ej�rcito d'Aire.
12 October 2011 - Martial Feron has painted a set of textures for the new
Rafale by Thor's Hammer. The fictitional scheme
is a wrap-around camo pattern with For�a A�rea Brasileira markings.
1 October 2011 - As promised below, Bruno "Thor's Hammer" M�relle has released his
Rafale M. This is a beta release and does not include a
Virtual Cockpit or 2D panel so I have added instructions for merging alternate VC's to the Rafale.
30 September 2011 - The Rafale M by Bruno "Thor's Hammer" M�relle is scheduled for public
release at the "6i�me
Mondial de la Simulation" event on October 1st, at the Mus�e de l 'Air et de l'Espace,
Le Bourget. I've added some preview screenshots to the preview page.
20 September 2011 - Craig van Zuydam of South Australia has converted several older SAAF
Mirage III and Cheetah C models
by Jason Ashworth and the da Silva Brothers for use with CFS2.
3 September 2011 - Daniel Gauthier has put together a package of French Air
Force and Navy AI tanker flights. The
Readme file describes using the Dassault Etendard IVM/P nounou and Boeing KC-135.
23 August 2011 - Morten Krogstad has adapted the Mirage IIIE
of J.E.Narcizo for use in CFS2. He has painted four texture sets -- two French
and two for Argentina, created a widescreen instrument panel,
and included unique weapons configurations.
16 August 2011 - Sylvain Parouty and the Royale French Navy Design have released a
new version of their Cl�menceau aircraft carrier. This latest update (v3) also includes
the aircraft carrier Foch. Two deck arrangements are included with 1970's aircraft: The
Foch is configured as (PA1) or "Alert" with Crusader, Etendard
IVM, and Alis� aircraft. The Cl�menceau is configured
as (PA2) or "Reserve" with Etendard IVM and Zypher training aircraft.
8 August 2011 - New from Mike Pearson using his revised model and textures
for the AI Mirage F1 of Nick Black/MAIW are sets for:
3 August 2011 - Jonathan Hilaire wrote to let me know that the first freeware
creation of
SkyDesigners is the French naval carrier "R91
Charles de Gaulle". Partial modifications by SkyDesigners to version
2.0 by Jo�l Maillot include new textures and the addition of static aircraft
including Rafale M, E2-C "Hawkeye", Super Etendard Modernis�, and Panther "Pedro".
29 July 2011 - Sylvain Parouty and the Royale French Navy Design have been working
on the Clemenceau again. This latest update (v2.10)
included a more visible landing aid mirror and continues to build upon the previous releases
for the Etendard missions and the release before that for FSX/Acceleration as a moving
aircraft carrier with catapult-launching and recovery operations.
27 July 2011 - Mike Pearson has not only been repainting the
AI Mirage F1 of Nick Black/MAIW but with some input from myself has been improving
the model. The first results of this are a set of textures for
Mirage F1AD, F1ED, and F1BD of the Libyan Arab Air Force with new textures and weapons
24 July 2011 - Zsolt Beleznay has been painting some optional Tiger Meet texture
sets for the new Rafale C of Roland Laborie. Although
fictitional they are well done. Included is a Rafale C in textures for
EC 05.330 'C�te d'Argent' and another painted similar to a Rafale B that appeared
at NATO Tiger Meet 2009.
20 July 2011 -
SkyDesigners have released a new scenery package for FSX. The subject is
Base A�rienne 102 Dijon-Longvic (LFSD). The
scenery includes a photorealistic base with accurate AFCD and airfield buildings
modeled from real world photos.
15 July 2011 - Zsolt Beleznay has painted new textures for the
�tendard IVP of the Royale French Navy Design. These new textures represent a
fictitious aircraft with special tail markings. Only the textures are included so
you will need to download the �tendard IVM/P.
10 July 2011 - Bry Hardee has released an optional afterburner effect for
Roland Laborie's Rafale C/M package for FSX. Also
included is an adjustment for greater stability for AI Carrier (Moving Carrier)
28 June 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted a set of photoreal textures for a
Mirage IIIB of the Spanish Ej�rcito d'Aire. The file set
includes textures only so you will also need the
Mirage IIIB by Patrice Grange.
25 June 2011 - Mike Pearson has painted a set of Ecuadoran Air Force
Mirage F1JA and F1JE textures for use with the AI Mirage F1
by Nick Black. Textures for 14 aircraft in service with the Fuerza A�rea Ecuatoriana
are included.
19 June 2011 - The
Military AI Works (MAIW) has released a new
AI package for the Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) what includes the Mirage
2000-5Ei and 2000-5Di. Scenery in the package includes
Hsinchu AB (RCPO) where the Mirage 2000 operate from.
17 June 2011 - Roland Laborie has released his Rafale C/M
package for FSX. For the reasons he mentioned on my
preview page the aircraft will be sold as payware. More information is available
13 June 2011 - Michael Pearson has repainted the Mirage F1C and F1B from Nick Black's
AI Mirage F1 packages in the camouflage and markings of
the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF). Included are 19
Mirage F1EQ and four Mirage F1BQ.
10 June 2011 -
SkyDesigners have released a new scenery package for FSX. The subject is
Douchamb�, Tadjikistan (UTDD). The
scenery includes a photorealistic base with accurate AFCD and airfield buildings
modeled from real world photos.
4 June 2011 - Jens-Ole Kj�lberg is reworking some of his
original series of South Africa Air Force repaints of the
Mirage III/5 by Mark Harper. The first updates include
the Mirage IIIEZ in bare metal deliver colors, the Mirage IIIR2Z, and the Mirage IIIRZ.
2 June 2011 - Geoffrey de Kergariou has painted new textures for the
�tendard of the Royale French Navy Design. These new
textures represents three �tendard IVM and three �tendard IVP. Only the textures
are included so you will need to download the �tendard IVM/P.
29 May 2011 - The AI Rafale project from Nick Black and
MAIW has been released. Included are Rafale C, B
and M models as well as new scenery for BAN Landivisiau (LFRJ) and
St. Dizier/Robinson AB (LFSI). Also included is the Charles
de Gaulle (R 91) aircraft carrier by Joel Marriot and an AI Rafale M "Nounou" buddy tanker.
26 May 2011 - Martial Feron has repainted the Etendard IVP
of Sylvain Parouty in a scheme worn by 16F Flotille. Only the textures are included.
20 May 2011 - Sylvain Parouty has completed his
Etendard project. The final package includes the updated Etendard IVM,
the new Etendard IVP, and an AI refueling Etendard. The
new models include reworked cockpit and canopy, start configuration panel, multiplayer
optimizations, enhanced flight model, enhanced repaints (some new liveries) and much more.
He has also released a new FSX scenery for the aircraft carrier
Cl�menceau (R 98).
17 May 2011 - To complete his series of Egyptian Air Force repaints of Mark
Harper's Mirage III/V package, Jens-Ole Kj�lberg has
painted a fourth scheme representing a Mirage 5SDE.
13 May 2011 - Dave Torkington and Guy Neild have released a new scenery package for
FSX. The subject is BAN N�mes Garons (LFTW).
The scenery includes a photorealistic base with accurate AFCD and airfield buildings
modeled from real world photos. Also included are several military and civilian
AI models and traffic files.
10 May 2011 - Chris Evans has combined the Mirage 2000N
Basic and Specials texture sets of Jonathan Hilaire
and Roland Laborie with a few modifications to make a new aircraft package
compatible with FSX. I have been informed by the original texture artist that
this repackaging was not authorized so I have removed the link.
30 April 2011 - Marc Renaud had created camera view definitions for use with the
Mirage 2000N of Roland Laborie and the
Rafale by Cyril (Gator) Pioffet.
25 April 2011 - Steven Avila has painted a set of desert camouflage textures for use
with the Cheetah C of Thinus Pretorius. The textures represent
a fictional aircraft in US Marine Corps markings.
21 April 2011 - The Mirage IVA by David Bushell/Alphasim
has been converted for use in CFS2 by Pepe Rezende and Rey Sanford. The conversion includes
new flight model files as well as mission and DP files. Mirage IV
AI files (wingman) and
modern french weapons are also now available. Several repaints of the original release
are available by
Pierre Lheureux and
Michel Merle although they may need to be
converted for use in CFS2.
16 April 2011 - Jonathan Hilaire (alias Rooster) wrote to let me know that he is working
with a scenery design team known as
SkyDesigners. Their first two releases are of French air bases --
Base A�rienne 701 Salon de Provence and
Base A�rienne 705 Tours / Tours Val de Loire.
12 April 2011 - The Super Etendard by Alphasim has been
converted for use in CFS2 by Pepe Rezende and Rey Sanford. The conversion includes
new flight model files as well as mission, weapon, and DP files.
09 April 2011 - Sylvain Parouty and the Royal French Navy Design team have been busy
refining the visual and flight models of the �tendard.
An update of the �tendard IVM was released recently that added
additional external loads. Sylvain has also sent me some images and description of
the work done so far on the upcoming �tendard IVP
reconnaissance version.
5 April 2011 - Pepe Rezende has adapted the Mirage IIIV
from GMAX Aced�mie for use in CFS2. The two packages are split between French and
export schemes and include the required flight model, weapons and DP files for CFS2.
30 March 2011 - Martial Feron has repainted the beta Etendard IVP
of Sylvain Parouty in a scheme worn by 16F Flotille. Only the textures are included.
24 March 2011 - Jens-Ole Kj�lberg has painted another Egyptian Air Force scheme
for the Mirage III/5 of Mark Harper. The one represents
one of eight Mirage 5SDE sent to Iraq to test their ECM gear
in wartime conditions. All national markings were removed for the missions againt
the Iranian defences.
15 March 2011 - Zsolt Beleznay has painted a new set of textures for the Skysim
Mirage III/5 package. The texture set represents a
Mirage IIIEP of the Pakistan Air Force.
10 March 2011 - Jens-Ole Kj�lberg has painted up two new Egyptian Air Force schemes for
the Mirage III/5 of Mark Harper. The first is a
Mirage 5SDR reconnaissance aircraft and the second is a
Mirage 5E2. Both wear the orange visual identification
panels adopted after encounters with Libyan Mirage aircraft wearing identical camouflage.
5 March 2011 - Two years ago I painted the AI Mirage 2000 of Fernando Martinez in
the colors of the Brazilian Air Force (For�a A�rea Brasileira - FAB) to go with
AI flight plans by Herve C. Etienne of Canada. I was
reminded of this unfinished project at the
MAIW forum recently so I have finished it.
26 February 2011 - While visiting the
OZx website I found two Mirage IIIO repaints I had missed on previous visits. The
first (below) is a three texture set of the RAAF Diamond Jubilee scheme
worn during 1981. The second is an update of the ARDU scheme
in more accurate colors. Only the textures are included so you will also need the
base package.
22 February 2011 - Zsolt Beleznay is at it again with another set of textures
for the Skysim Mirage III/5. This latest release
depicts a Mirage 5BR assigned to 42 Smaldeel of the
Belgium Air Force. Only the textures are included so you will also need
the base package.
18 February 2011 - Following the release of the updated
�tendard IVM beta by the Royale French Navy Design, Geoffrey de Kergariou has also
updated his textures for No. 15 of Flotille 15F. Only the textures are
included so you will need to download the �tendard IVM.
12 February 2011 - Zsolt Beleznay has painted a new set of textures for the
Mirage F1 of Kirk Olsson. The texture set represents a
Mirage F1JA in the colors of the Fuerza Aerea Ecuatoriana
in the 30 Years Anniversary scheme.
6 February 2011 - Corentin Digneaux has painted a set of textures for the Mark
Harper Mirage III/5 package. The texture set represents
a Mirage IIIC of EC 1/5 'Vend�e' stationed at
Orange-Caritat AB.
4 February 2011 - Beat Schaffner has released a patch to correct a problem with
afterburner and other light effects for his
Mirage IIIS. He
has also made some replacement glass texture files for folks who want to try the
aircraft in FSX. The patches are available on his
2 February 2011 - Beat 'Isra' Schaffner has finished his
Mirage IIIS for FS9. The final version includes all external configurations displayed
on his website including clean,
with fuel tanks, and armed for air-to-air, air-to-ground, recon missions and a version with JATO
rockets. A very complete English and French language manual is included to explain all
of the features.
30 January 2011 - Antonio Diaz has painted a texture set for the
Mirage F1 by Kirk Olsson wearing special 25th Anniversary markings. The markings were
worn in 2000 to acknowledge the 25 years since the first Mirage F1 was delivered to Ala 14 of
the Ej�rcito d'Aire.
28 January 2011 - Cleartheprop has uploaded a video to youtube titled
RFN Etendard IVM
cockpit familiarization FSX. As the title promises it shows just how well
modeled the cockpit of this model is.
26 January 2011 - Thinus Pretorius has released a new
Atlas Cheetah C for FS2004. Two schemes are included. Several external
loads are included. A new instrument panel and gauges
are also included.
20 January 2011 - Antonio Diaz has released a new texture for the Mirage IIIE of
Patrice Grange. The textures represent a Mirage IIIEE
of the Ej�rcito d'Aire in original high visability markings.
14 January 2011 - Ray Parker has painted the AI Mirage F1
of Nick Black in the colors of the SAAF (three unique F1CZ textures) and the four Mirage F1AZ
of the Gabon Air Force. These AI packages includes
flight plans.
6 January 2011 - Antonio Diaz has released two texture sets for the
Mirage F1 by Kirk Olssen. Included are the
2006 NATO Tiger Meet, and the 2007 NATO Tiger Meet scheme.

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