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  Old News - 2007

    En Francais

25 December 2007 - May you and your loved ones enjoy the true meaning of Christmas and have a prosperous New Year.  Let's all give thanks for what we have and pray for a more peaceful year in 2008.

  Season's Greetings  *  Les Salutations De la Saison   *  Saluti Della Stagione 
  Grere Der Jahreszeit  *  Saludos De la Estacien  *  Cumprimentos Da Estaeeo

18 December 2007 - Eduardo Fadul of Columbia has been very busy over the past few months.  He has just released several packages covering the Mirage 5/50, the IAI Nesher, and the IAI Kfir.  Included in the base package of each set are new instrument panels and appropriate sound files.

The first set is for the Mirage 5 and Mirage 5M, both in Colombian Air Force markings with many configurations.  Three expansion packages add additional configurations and markings for the Mirage 5 and 5P of the Peruvian Air Force, the Mirage 50EV of the Venezuelan Air Force, and the IAI Dagger of the Argentinian Air Force.

The second set of aircraft is for the IAI Kfir C2/C7.  Included in the base set are several configurations and texture sets for the Kfir C7 in Colombian Air Force and Israeli Air Force markings.  The expansion pack adds additional configurations and markings for the Kfir C2 of the Ecuadorian Air Force, the Israeli Air Force, and the Sri Lanka Air Force.  Also included is the F-21A in United States Navy and Marine Corps aggressor squadrons markings.

4 December 2007 - Michel Gerard sent a few photos from 1980 taken at the Centre d'Essais en Vol (Air Test Centre) in Bretigny (LFPY).  Among the aircraft is the Mirage IIIE prototype (No01) which was used to test various equipments and wore a variety of nose shapes.  The photos and description can be viewed here.

27 November 2007 - Patrice Grange has made a new Mirage IIIE for FS2004 and FSX.  The aircraft wears the paint scheme made famous by the comics "les aventures de Tanguy et Laverdure" and the TV series "Les Chevaliers du Ciel".  Configurations include clean and armed (with wing tanks and rocket pod).  The model has full moving parts and animations.  A custom instrument panel is also included.

23 November 2007 - Before the month runs out I thought I should make an update to the preview page on the upcoming Mirage III/5 from Mark Harper via Alphasim.  Since the first report Mark had added several new versions including instrument panels unique to each version.  More details are here along with some new screenshots.

1 November 2007 - Jason Sparkes has repainted the Super Etendard Modernise of Romain Lucas in a special white tiger scheme worn by 11F Flotille at the NATO Arctic Tiger 2007 event.  Only the textures are included so you will also need to download the SEM.

22 October 2007 - Baptiste Aubertel has painted the Mirage III of Warwick Carter in a new polished bare-metal finish with insignia for EC 1/2 "Cigognes" at Dijon.  Only textures are included so you will also need to download the original aircraft.

14 October 2007 - Mel Mutter has adapted the 2D instrument panel from Kirk Olsson's Mirage F1 for better operation in FSX.  The changes include a new background image and also work in FS2004.

6 October 2007 - A new Mirage III for FS2004 and FSX is under development.  This new one by Mark Harper of Alphasim will be based on the IIIE fuselage.  It will be packaged to include the Mirage IIIE, Mirage IIIR, and Mirage 5.  Several versions based on these airframes are planned.  Read more about at and view additional screen shots in this preview.

Also, the famous EC 1/5 "Vend�e" at Base aerienne 115 Orange-Caritat (LFSO) was retired this year.  As is typical of military units a special scheme was applied to one of their Mirage 2000C/RDI for the occasion.  Frederic Vrevin (alias Hackmachine) has applied the scheme to the Mirage 2000D/N of Roland Laborie.  You can download the aircraft from his website.

15 September 2007 - Patrice Grange has released version 4 of his Mirage G8 package.  The package now included 13 aircraft models including both the single-seat Mirage G8-02 and the two-seat Mirage G8-01, different weapon sets and various textures, both real or fictional.  The latest improvements include various new textures, new external configurations, a new panel backgound, and full moving parts.  The aircraft is fully compatible with FS2004 and FSX.

11 September 2007 - It is hard to believe that six years have passed.  The war that followed that day is still going on.  So I think it is important to remember how we got here.  Please visit September 11 and the September 11 Digital Archive.
Never Forget!

31 August 2007 - As a follow-on to his original description of a meeting of Swiss Vampires fighters and the Mirage IIIE, Michel Gerard has sent additional photos and commentary.  This is very interesting reading and as always, the photos are outstanding.

4 August 2007 - Cristiano Magnani has repainted the Mirage 2000C of Roland Laborie in the colors of the black Mirage in the movie